How to Avoid 3 Most Common Motorcycle Accidents?

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Perhaps, more than any land vehicle on the planet, motorcycles brag of pure speed. Well, that statement can certainly raise eyebrows knowing an army of car enthusiasts would vouch for their 4-wheel vehicles as supreme. But engineering-wise, the 2-wheel speedster doesn’t as much load to carry compared to a car. So it can certainly accelerate faster. No doubt cars are stabler and more aerodynamically efficient.

Well, it may come down to the specific car and the specific motorcycle. Nevertheless, a momentous race between the fastest supercar versus the fastest super-motorcycle on the planet ended with the 4-wheel bowing out to the 2-wheel. We’re talking about the 1,000 HP Bugatti Veyron vis-a-vis the 300 HP supercharged Kawasaki H2 motorbike.

That was indeed a close race and perhaps a largely arguable one. Pundits say that if the race were taken to the German autobahn, things would come out different. The truth of the matter, however, motorcycles are more prone to accidents than cars. Stats show for every 100,000 cars, 13 would be involved in fatal accidents. But for motorcycles, the ratio is grimmer: 72 fatal accidents for every 100,000.

But forewarned is forearmed indeed. So we’re giving you 5 of the most common motorcycle accidents in America. Best of all, we’re showing you how you can prevent them while on the road. Remember it’s not about arriving first but it’s about arriving safely.

Motorcycle Accidents Due to Cars Left Turning

Nearly half of motorcycle accidents are involved when a car is making a left turn. Right off the bat, you know the 2-wheel ride is at a great disadvantage. To boot, the rider isn’t as well protected as the one in the car. This definitely worsens when the motorcycle driver isn’t wearing the right helmet or none at all.

Take note that motorcycle accidents can be traumatic. Should you be involved in one, you may have to be confined to the hospital if you have major wounds. Otherwise, if the incident involved hip/pelvic misalignment or neck injuries, a visit to a chiropractor should bid you well. Quite naturally, a chiropractor’s ability to heal without invasive technology is sought after in such trying times.

Awareness is key to avoid this kind of motorcycle accident. This means you have to be able to anticipate the move of the driver in front of you. Focus on telltale signs he’s going to move left. This usually happens when:

  • You have a car in front of you at an intersection.
  • The driver looks “both ways” and maneuvers his head.

If you’re seeing these signs, slow down. Indeed, such a situation requires you to put aside any conversation with your rider (if you have one) or stop looking at other things around you.

Road accident

Lane Switching Motorcycle Accidents

This one’s a mistake more often traced to a car driver not paying attention to other motorists on the road, especially a motorcycle. It happens when an automobile takes on your lane, taking you for granted even when you’re right next to them. For the most part, this happens on a four-lane road. To note, motorcycles can be easily become obstructed by the blind spot of the driver.

To get you out of such a predicament, you should be aware of the driver and the car’s mirrors. If you can’t see the face of the driver on this mirror, then it’s highly likely he can’t see you either. So adjust accordingly. As accidents between a car and a motorcycle go, it’s always the 2-wheeled vehicle that goes down.

Moreover, as checking mirrors can be a huge challenge on the road, you should be aware of when a car is changing lanes. Some telltale signs to look for are:

  • Wheels start turning
  • Turn signals on
  • Driver double checks his mirrors
  • The driver is swiveling his head (he’s checking blind spots)

Head-on Collision Motorcycle Accidents

Come to think of it, crashes between a car and a motorcycle are the single most dangerous motorcycle accident you can be in. Most deaths from motorcycle accidents happen this way. And more often than not, such head-on collision is fatal to motorcycle riders. Stats show it to be so 78% of these accidents turn deadly.

When a motorcycle comes to a sudden stop in a matter of seconds, the driver could be jettisoned and thrown into the air, or, he could be crushed. Risks increase dramatically when both the car and the motorcycle are running at high speeds.

One simple trick to avoid such risky collisions is to slow down. That reduces your risk by half. Additionally, you should observe the four R’s to lower that risk even more. These are:

  • Ride your motorcycle off the road
  • Reduce your vehicle’s speed
  • Always drive to the Right
  • Read ahead

A motorcycle is a great ride. You just need to observe safety protocols always to arrive safely at your destination. As always, it doesn’t matter if you’re late in arriving; what matters most is you arrive safe and sound.