Guide to Getting a Rental Car

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Renting a car instead of spending more on taxi fare or public transportation makes it easier for travellers to navigate an unfamiliar place. However, the process of getting a rental vehicle may be more confusing than you think. How do you pay for fuel? How do I know if the car already has damages? What about additional insurance?

If you want to rent a car in Singapore to help you explore the island, here’s what you should know:

Dealing with insurance

The only way you can ensure that your car insurance extends to rentals is to check with your insurer. Most comprehensive car insurance policies extend the coverage to rental cars, which they deem as “replacement cars.” But if your auto insurance only includes minimum coverage, you might not be covered for rentals, so be sure to check with your insurer first.

If your auto insurance does not cover the entire bill for repairs, your credit card may take care of the rest. There are also “loss of use” charges that are added on your bill to cover for potential lost revenue while the rental car is being repaired. These charges are typically put on your credit card.

Inspecting the vehicle

A common mistake that car renters do is not inspecting the car enough. Some think that a quick walk around the car will suffice, but this is not nearly enough to spot any barely noticeable signs of damage. We’re talking about scratches, loose parts, scuffs, and malfunctioning parts, to name a few.

When inspecting the car, be sure to take plenty of pictures of the inside and outside, including the engine and the trunk. Walk slowly around the vehicle and keep your eyes peeled for any problem, both small and big, and record a video while you’re doing it.

Finding gas stations

Gas station

Find out where the nearest gas stations are to your hotel and the rental company. Most rental services require you to return the car with a full tank. If you don’t, you may be charged an additional fee for the gas you didn’t put back in the tank, which may be more expensive than local prices.

Figure out where the best-priced gas stations are ahead of time. This way, you don’t have to drive around endlessly looking for the next one after you take out the rental car and before you return it.

Taking care of the car

It goes without saying that when you rent a car, you have to treat it like your own. You don’t want to pay for hefty repairs, so being extra careful with your rental is a standard that everyone should know. Here are a few things to remember:

  • Don’t drive on unpaved roads
  • Be careful when loading heavy objects in the car
  • Drive with caution
  • Don’t Over speed
  • Don’t smoke or drink alcohol in the car
  • Avoid eating or drinking
  • Park only in safe areas

These are the fundamental things you need to know about renting a car. Understanding these things should help you get through the process a little bit faster and easier the next time you decide to get a rental.

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