How To Manage When There’s Too Much To Do and Too Little Time

Stressed employee with a lot of paper work on his desk
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We’ve learned to mask our busyness with “multi-tasking.” It’s now a skill that people must possess and master. This has been highly integrated into our day-to-day lives with the presence of technology. Laptops, smartphones, tablets are all designed to perform several tasks at once.

Unfortunately, humans are not built like this. Multitasking takes more time because the brain cannot process new tasks and information quickly. People are also more susceptible to making mistakes, resulting in re-dos.

Despite this, people still tend to take on too much on their plates. They over-schedule their days to accomplish what they want to do in life. It comes with the price of one’s mental health, but there are ways to set healthier productivity habits.

  1. Prioritize

Do you need to grab some drinks with someone you barely even know? Maybe that can be done tomorrow when your schedule’s a little loose.

Learn to know what needs to be done right away and what you can postpone. Remember that you don’t need to squeeze them in one day.

You should also learn how to get help from other people. If there’s something that needs fixing in your place, call a plumber, a landscaper, or roofers in Utah County. They can finish the task for you while you try to accomplish more important things on your list.

  1. Hit pause

“We live under a weight of demands, real and imagined, that is debilitating,” as said in an article of the New York Post discussing people’s addition to living the fast-paced life. It tackles the mindset that productivity and progress are equal to always being on your feet. The problem with this mindset is that it’s bound to make people feel disappointed with themselves once they can’t keep up with this lifestyle.

The thing is: one’s self-worth should not be attached to productivity. Things like mental health, a social life, and maintaining a healthy relationship are what contribute to someone’s true identity and purpose. By hitting pause or even just slowing down, a person gives themselves the chance to reflect and remind themselves of who they are outside of work and obligations.

  1. Use a daily calendar

Female smiling while working in her laptop

It’s different when you see it right in front of you. Every hour of the day plotted out. By using a calendar and planning your days ahead, you can identify the times of the day when you’ll be extra busy or when you’re free.

You can also mentally prepare yourself for the coming days. If you’re busy, you can condition your mind to be in work mode. If it’s not a hectic day, you can tell your mind and body to relax for a bit. Scheduling your days can also help you focus because it helps you take on responsibilities one task at a time.

While productivity is rewarding, overdoing it is exhausting. As much as possible, one must tone down multi-tasking as it is detrimental to the mental health and the overall turnout of one’s work. It helps to be aware of one’s priorities, and this can be achieved by keeping a calendar and by learning how to slow down.

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