4 Ways Businesses Can Avoid Throwing Their Money on Poor Waste Management

loads of carboard boxes
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Waste is expensive. According to Statista, the cost for managing it already reached over $12.7 million in 2019. Back in 2010, it was only $10 million. While it’s impossible for businesses to get rid of waste, not controlling it also burns money.

Companies may reduce their waste management spending with these tips:

1. Invest in Commercial Compactors

Businesses may need to buy commercial compactors to help them manage their waste. These are machines that can crush materials, such as wood or metal, to help reduce the volume. In turn, companies can benefit from it in the following ways:

  • They help prevent overcrowding landfills.
  • They decrease the frequency of their need for a waste disposal team. Businesses can also spend less on such service. This is because they often pay per weight or volume of waste collected.
  • Some of these trash compactors operate using solar power. It significantly reduces the business’s dependence on electricity, saving them utility costs.
  • Compactors come in different sizes and styles, so companies can find one that suits their need and budget. It’s also another way to avoid wasting money on something that doesn’t have value.

2. Get Inspiration from the Japanese

One of the countries that prove to be waste management experts is Japan. The Japanese bring their trash at home and segregate them properly. They also follow many systems or philosophies that guide them on how to maximize resources. These include mottanai.

Mottanai means people should not waste a useful resource. It is an exercise of frugality and respect for possessions and assets that became even more popular during World War II. During this period, many necessities were scarce.

Plastic pollution on the beach

A Japanese company also introduced the idea of a lean or just-in-time system. Business experts these days also call it TPS or Toyota production system. The general idea is to minimize waste as efficiently as possible through continuous improvement.

TPS also revolves around the words muda, mura, and muri. These words stand for waste, unevenness, and overburden. Following the system can help eliminate these common problems while increasing productivity.

3. Empower Employees

Employees play a vital role in minimizing waste since they are likely to be consumers of resources. Companies can empower them by:

  • Developing sound, updated policies that are easy to follow or understand
  • Providing training on how to reduce waste or management systems in the business
  • Allowing them to practice waste management. For example, keep properly labeled trash bins visible.
  • Showcasing sustainable efforts, such as installing a rainwater catchment system or using energy-efficient lighting

4. Work with Consumers and Incentivize Them

Much of the waste businesses generate is from the packaging. These include raw materials used to create one. A possible strategy to reduce trash accumulation is by encouraging consumers to embrace sustainable packaging. Options may include bamboo containers, paper bags, and cardboard boxes.

In turn, businesses can give incentives to these customers. They may provide discounts or reduce shipping fees. They may offer pickup options, especially if the company has a local presence. This way, the company also spends less on fuel and helps reduce carbon emissions.

Waste generation happens in many ways in businesses, and one of these is spending a lot of money on poor management of resources. Fortunately, they also have a variety of options to mitigate the problem.

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