Driving Anxiety and Other Reasons Why People Hate Driving

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For some, driving is a nightmare, and they do it out of necessity. For others, it’s therapeutic. Getting out on the road is something that eases their thoughts. They spend time and money on their little road adventures. They maintain their car like their firstborn and invest in quality carports to guard it against dirt and the harsh environment.

If this is not you and you’re on the side of those who think that driving is too much of a chore, maybe you can change a few things up. The fondness for driving can’t be forced. Or maybe there is a deeper reason why you don’t like being in charge of a car. In any case, here are some reasons why some people do not like driving:

1. Driving Is a Big Responsibility

This is a truth not many people seem to notice about their everyday life. When you get in a car and onto a public road, the probability of an accident happening is always there. And people don’t seem to care about that.

Plus, if you have passengers with you, you are in charge not only of your life but theirs as well. And the thing that is hard to accept is that there are so many reckless drivers out there. You can be careful and still get in a bad situation because of someone else’.’s neglect and recklessness.

2. You Have Poor Eyesight

Some people like driving but only in the daytime because of their poor eyesight. It is dangerous to get on the road at night, knowing full well that you can’t see much on the side mirrors.

Every time you make a turn or change lanes, you leave your fate to chance. That’s not something you should be doing. Props to people who stay away from steering wheels, knowing it’s not safe for them to drive.

3. You Just Prefer the Comfort of the Back Seat

Or the passenger seat. Usually, when you are just starting to learn how to drive, you are always looking for the next opportunity to test your driving skills. But that excitement fades soon enough for many. Because driving is tiring, which is weird when you sit and move your hands and feet minimally.

It’s a lot of mind work to be driving, and that is what is tiring. You are always calculating distances, judging whether you can overtake the car in front of you, and waiting for the right time to change lanes. And then there are moments when you are trying hard to remember road rules.

Don’t even mention getting stuck in horrible traffic. Or making too many wrong moves trying to reverse park. Sometimes, you give up and think that you are better off being a passenger for the rest of your life.


4. Driving Induces Anxiety

On a more serious note, a legitimate reason why some avoid driving is that they get anxious when they do it. Anxious thoughts are dangerous. At the same time, driving is also a potentially hazardous task. These two things cannot possibly go together.

The number one fear of people with anxiety is that they may get a panic attack while they are on the road. Although there have been many cases where drivers get a panic attack on the road, and they safely pull the car over to the side, your fear is valid.

You may also have a fear of getting lost or driving alone. It can get uncomfortable to drive alone, especially on a busy road or in an unfamiliar place. The fear of breaking down is also there.

What to Do in Case You Really Need to Drive

Driving is a life skill. And there will be moments when you will be forced to take the wheel. It’s easy to do this if your reason for not driving is anything except anxiety.

No one should be forcing you into a stressful situation. Still, if you want to overcome your driving anxiety, there are ways to do it. Your anxious thoughts are rooted in worries about what can go wrong. To get around this, you can try positive affirmations. Counter your fear with positive thoughts. Tell yourself you can handle it. Out loud, if that helps.

It can also help if you practice. You don’t have to get out on the road. You can just try parking and then going out of the garage and then back again. Exposure will help you overcome anxiety. Eventually, you can start driving in safe areas before you try to hit the road for the first time.

Driving can be fun to some but terrifying to others. But as long as you don’t go beyond the speed limit, you should be okay. It doesn’t hurt to keep your vehicle in tip-top shape and practice once in a while.

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