How Stress Can Wreak Havoc on Your Body

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Everyone experiences stress, whether it’s because of work responsibilities, family problems, or even socio-political issues. It manifests in different ways, from irritability to bad eating habits. But many fail to realize that excessive stress can result in physical manifestations.

The Physical Manifestation of Stress

When you become stressed, your body’s cortisol levels rise. This hormone triggers an increase in oil production in your sebaceous glands. When this happens, you are prone to experiencing oilier skin which can lead to acne. It can also lead to dandruff and hair fall. Aside from these, stress often leads to a lack of sleep and junk food cravings. All of these compromises your immune system, putting you at risk of the flu or the common cold.

Given the current health situation, it’s important that you take better care of your physical health. This includes managing your stress levels for your mental and emotional well-being. Take the time to evaluate your lifestyle to identify your common stressors. Then, you can work on addressing them to reduce their impact on you.

calming tea

How to Manage the Effects of Stress

As you work on managing the stressors in your life, you can look into how to address its manifestation in your body.

Create a Skin and Hair Care Routine

Look for products that address the pain points you are experiencing with your skin and hair. If you are breaking out, use a facial cleanser that is made for acne and oil control. Use an all-natural anti-dandruff shampoo to treat your scalp problems without the usual harshness of chemicals.

Keep a Consistent Sleep Schedule

Assign a time when to sleep and wake up every day; make sure it’s enough to give you at least six hours of sleep. If you don’t fall asleep after 20 minutes, get up and meditate until you feel relaxed. By only using your bed for its intended purpose, you make it easier for your mind to associate it with rest.

Reduce Alcohol Intake and Smoking

Many tend to use substances to manage stress; however, these only exacerbate skin irritation (e.g. alcohol dehydrates skin) and other health problems (e.g. smoking weakens the immune system). If you smoke, consider reducing the number of sticks you light up a day. Alternatively, if you drink, consider limiting yourself to a drink every other day.

Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

It might be tempting to binge on junk food or fast food when you’re stressed, but this will only cause long-term health problems. Recent studies have found that some fruits and vegetables to help in reducing stress. Avocados have omega-3 fatty acids that reduce anxiety and improve moods, while oranges are rich in Vitamin C which boosts your immune system. Fiber-rich vegetables, like kale and green peas, fight stress and anxiety. ;

Learning how to manage your stress if one of the ways to reduce it and the effects it has on your body. Once you learn more about your stressors, you can identify their triggers and actively avoid them. It might take some time, but the rewards will outweigh the work you put in.

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