New Journeys: Hobbies for Those with an Adventurous Spirit

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Some people enjoy staying at home. Others crave exciting adventures. If you are more of the latter, the daily office grind might leave you bored out of your mind and make you want an outlet for all your energy. Fortunately, many hobbies can feed your need for adrenaline and adventure. Check out these great examples:

Rock Climbing

Oh, your heart will surely pump when you start climbing rocks. Beginners, of course, are not advised to start right away in nature. Many rock climbing clubs have the facilities you need to start practicing. Once you get the hang of how to climb a wall, you can begin scaling rocks. Be sure to have someone accompany you, though, and observe proper safety precautions.

Flying a Plane

Admittedly, this is a bit of luxury, but taking flying lessons can scratch that itch you have for an adventure. What better way of sating your adventurous soul than taking to the skies and seeing what’s out there? The best part is that this could be more than just a hobby. If you end up feeling like this is a job you want to do, some businesses offer training programs on flying a turboprop and other aircraft.


Have you ever thought of sculpting glass before? You might scoff at the idea and think it’s far from adventurous, but it is pretty cool. With lampworking, you have a single source of extreme heat, like a blowtorch, and you use that to melt glass and sculpt it. You can make a lot of things with it, from beads and marbles to pottery and ornaments. The possibilities are endless, and the only limitation you have is your imagination; feel free to go wild!


Urban Exploration

For those who don’t have a lot of time but enjoy photography, urban exploration might be the right fit for you. This is an exciting hobby where you go around a city and look for unusual or unique places such as ruins and abandoned structures. You can find a lot of history as well as material for taking photographs, not to mention the thrill of discovering places no one thinks of going to. Do keep in mind trespassing laws, though, and always stay on the safe side when investigating potentially dangerous locations.


Are you a beach bum? The waves are calling, and it’s time to heed their call. Surfing is a fun way to get your adrenalin pumping while giving you a dose of vitamin sea. There are many opportunities for you to learn this sport and enjoy the immense fun and adventure it brings. Plus, if you do like it a lot, you can try your hand at going pro.

In the end, remember that there is always an adventure around the corner; all you have to do is keep your eyes peeled and your mind open. With these many options you can choose as a hobby, there is no reason to feel bored again. If you need more suggestions, consult a health coach or expert.

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