Senior Living: How You Can Help an Elderly Loved One Experiencing Mobility Issues

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Seniors are prone to experiencing mobility issues following an accident, surgery, ailment, or simply due to old age. If your loved one is having trouble standing and walking on their own for whatever reason, here are some ways you can help them.

Get Them Assistive Devices

It is important for the elderly to know that there are several options available in the market that will help them move around safely without being physically supported by a nurse or caregiver. The typical solution to mobility issues is walking canes and two-wheel walkers. However, there are new devices that have been developed with the aim to address problems experienced by older adults.

For example, if an adult feels pain in their knees caused by osteoarthritis, which has been preventing them from performing their daily routines, a product developed by experts like might offer some relief. There are medical devices that can be worn on the bottom of the feet, which can address the root cause of pain by correcting posture and improving muscle control. Such a non-invasive treatment has been proven to aid seniors to go back to living a normal life.

Encourage Physical Activity

Decreased mobility and pain discourages people from partaking in activities that involve rigorous and energetic motions. However, sitting or lying around will not help them recover. Invite your elderly loved one to exercise regularly. Start with gentle aerobics such as walking and swimming. Yoga also offers benefits, including strength and flexibility, to older adults who practice it daily.

A person’s level of physical activity has an effect on their muscle and bone strength. By exercising regularly, you do not just help them heal but also prevent similar or more serious problems from arising in the future.

Make Their Home Senior Friendly

seniors walking

Ensure the safety of an aging relative at home by making changes that will reduce the risk of injuries. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals that falling is the number one cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries among people aged 65 and above. Every year, an estimated 27,000 seniors die due to a fall.

A lot of these injuries can be prevented by giving their home a makeover that prioritizes function and safety over design. A senior-friendly home can be achieved by simply adding non-slip carpeting in the bathroom and kitchen. You should also place handrails in the shower so they have something to hold on to and support themselves up when they feel unsteady.

If they have a second-storey home, it may be time to move them to a smaller place. If that is not an option, look into installing a chair lift so they can seamlessly go up and down every day.

Barrier-free and no-step entryways also significantly reduce the risk that an elderly will trip and fall. Moreover, help clean their home and properly store any potential clutter that may get in the way. This includes clothing, stacks of books or old newspapers, and furniture or appliances.

When people age, their bodies grow weaker and recovery becomes slower. You may have to admit at some point that a loved one can no longer go back to their daily routine after hospitalization or injury, but you can still help make their life easier. Just be attentive to their needs so you can be assured that they are safe and happy.

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