Difficulty Getting Sleep? These Habits Could be the Culprit

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There are many contributing factors why it is hard to get adequate sleep or have difficulty staying in one, impairing your ability to complete the four sleep phases. In addition, sleep deprivation is a risk factor for various health problems, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and obesity; thus, if you notice a particular pattern almost every night, you should seek immediate help. Moreover, if you wake up feeling weary, irritated, or experiencing brain fog, please keep these possible causes in mind.

You don’t adjust the temperature

It is essential to consider the temperature when trying to rest your mind and body, especially after a long, tiring day. If it is too warm or too cold, you will have difficulty reaching your REM sleep. Note that the optimal resting temperature is approximately 65°F or around 18°C, so make sure to monitor your thermostat and adjust your room’s air conditioning system accordingly before hitting the sack.

Furthermore, it would be best to consider your body temperature, especially if you still experience difficulty sleeping despite the room temperature adjustments. Our system works with a 24-hour circadian rhythm known as thermoregulation, enabling it to alter our core body temperature. Therefore, a decreased body temperature during bedtime can aid in falling asleep more quickly and remaining asleep for more extended periods.

You drink too much coffee

Caffeine is stimulating. It could help you jumpstart your day and keep your productivity flowing which aids in finishing your tasks. However, this could also put you at risk and harbors adverse reactions that can interfere with your sleep. Too much coffee can also cause insomnia, trigger heartburn, and increase the risk of acid reflux. It can also result in palpitation, which could be deadly.

Too much alcohol in your system

According to studies, around 20% of Americans rely on alcohol to help them sleep at night. And although a glass of your favorite wine after a long day or occasional drinks with your buddies while playing your favorite video games is harmless, one wrong move and everything could go down south. Alcoholic beverages are addicting; thus, people could quickly depend on them in an unhealthy manner causing alcoholism which could be detrimental to one’s health and affect your sleep pattern.

woman sleeping

Sleep apnea

This medical condition is one of the most significant causes of sleep disruption among adults affecting around 37% of Americans or 170 million adults. Yet, only a few of these individuals get treatments. Snoring, exacerbated by alcohol abuse, exhaustion, impaired memory, and moodiness, is commonly seen as a sign of sleep apnea. If you have any of these symptoms, consider scheduling a check-up to diagnose and treat them properly.

Using your phone before bed

Our phones are the last thing we see before we doze off and the first thing we search for the moment the sun rises. But, while most of us have gotten used to scrolling down those screens before bed, study finds that blue light emitted by smartphones knocks our system out of balance. Therefore, rather than relaxing our mind after a long day and assist us in getting that sweet relaxation, these gadgets do the opposite. It triggers your mind and compels you to stay awake longer, and before you know it, it’s already morning.

If you have trouble falling asleep, pick up a book instead or get some warm drink and try to limit your electronics usage before bed.

Mental health problems

The quality of one’s sleep has a significant impact on one’s mental wellbeing. For instance, anxiety can cause disturbances in your sleep cycle, making it a lot more challenging for one to enter deep sleep. You may even have constant nightmares, scary thoughts, and disturbing scenes playing on a loop in your head. This can then lead to poor sleep and fatigue and may even result in sleep anxiety which further affects your health.

Consult your physician or visit a therapist if you suspect you are dealing with one of these medical issues. In addition, improved relaxation can be achieved by implementing strategies to combat anxiety and depression.

Sleep deprivation has been shown to have adverse effects on our emotional and physical health; therefore, having a night of adequate and quality sleep is a must for all of us. Moreover, we also need to control our mindset as this can impact our ability to sleep. May that be an argument with your loved one, stress at work, conflict with a coworker, and unexpected turn of events we face every day.

But while these factors could sound overwhelming, numerous solutions, strategies, and even experts are ready to help whenever you need one. Thus, don’t be afraid to get some help and address any issues if necessary to obtain the optimum level of rest you deserve every night.