15 Tech-less Ways to Relax and Have a Great Time

reading a book
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With the way things are going today, it is hard to imagine what the world is like without the conveniences of modern technology. In fact, we have grown so dependent on it that we have no idea how to spend time without it.

Our work and home lives involve the use of technology on different levels. It has even gotten to the point that instead of placing a call for an appointment to have our hair done or get chronic fatigue treatment, we just send them a text message on phone or send them a direct message on social media.

Have you ever wondered how you would fare without tech on your day off? Contrary to what it seems like, life without tech is still very much possible even today.

Here are a few things that you can do to relax and unwind apart from spending time in front of a screen or holding a gadget in your hands.

15 Ways to Enjoy Some Downtime Sans Technology and Screen Time

1. Read a book

One of the best things to do on a day when you have nothing important to do is to curl up in bed or in a chair and read a good book. It can take you to different places and transport you to different times. Your imagination is your only limit.

2. Listen to music

Music is a great stress reliever and mood booster. To make the experience more authentic, put on record on your turntable or a cassette tape or CD in your player and turn the volume up.

3. Get a massage

If you’ve been working really hard all week long, you deserve to get some special treatment. Go treat yourself to a fine massage to relax those sore muscles and release the tension in your body.

4. Sleep in

On your day off, one of the best things to do is to sleep in and stay in bed the whole day. You can read a book in bed, listen to music, write, draw, or just plain catch up on some Zs.

5. Go outdoors

There’s something very liberating whenever you go outside and spend time with nature. Not only is it good for your health but it also makes you appreciate the beauty that has always been there even before technology came to be.

6. Watch the sunrise or sunset


Speaking of the beauty of nature, one of the most beautiful things that you can witness every day is a sunrise or a sunset. Most people fail to marvel at the beauty of the rising or setting sun because they’re too occupied with other things. Try it one time. If you’re not a morning person, set aside time to enjoy a sunset with a loved one or by yourself.

7. Prepare dinner

There’s something therapeutic about spending time in the kitchen and preparing food. That’s why a lot of people spent more time in the kitchen during the lockdown season. It keeps you occupied and productive while at the same time gives you something fun to do.

8. Fix a nice hot bath

A nice hot bath at the end of an exhausting week is one of the most heavenly things you can do in life. Just spending time soaking in a hot tub, enjoying a good book and some wine is enough to send shivers down our spine.

9. Dress up

This pandemic has pretty much had us holed up at home for months in our PJs and lounge clothes. Take one day to just act a fool and dress up at home even if you have nowhere to go. It’s fun and is a great way to find out if you need to go on a diet.

10. Walk around the neighborhood or stroll in the park

Going for regular walks are a great way to pass the time as it is also healthy. It lets you take in the sights and sounds of your surroundings and allows you to get a breath of fresh air.

11. Take up a hobby

Hobbies can help you relieve yourself of stress and distract you from the humdrum routine of your life. Knitting, fishing, woodwork, painting, or sports, do something that you enjoy.

12. Spend time with your loved ones

Nothing beats spending time with your loved ones. Go on a date or a picnic. Play games with them. Talk with them. Or just plain hang out and do nothing with them.

See? You don’t really need to be dependent on technology to enjoy some leisure time. It may seem outdated but you have to admit that enjoying the experiences that technology cannot even come close to is a breath of fresh air.

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