Choose from These 5 Great Gift Items to Surprise Your Lady Love

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It’s already the end of the first quarter of 2021, and we’re still basically deep inside the borehole that is the COVID-19 crisis.

Based on current indicators, this situation will most likely continue well until next year even as vaccines have already started being rolled out and administered to the public.

Despite the daily dose of heavy news that’s been bombarding social media feeds, the internet, and TV sets in millions of homes across the US and elsewhere in the world, it’s not the end of things as we know them. There’s still hope and plenty of reasons to smile despite the negativity that’s lurking at every corner.

If you have a wife, girlfriend, or someone you’re beginning to develop romantic feelings for, there are plenty of ways you can make things lighter for her.

Gifts, for example, should be effective enough to make your lady love smile despite the worries she may be battling daily. With careful consideration, you’ll surely find the perfect gift to give to her to make her happy amid the ongoing crisis.

Here are five great items you should consider giving to your female love this year:


Clothing will always be excellent gift options for women, as well as men. The fact that it’s among the essential needs of any individual already makes clothing as a gift a welcome idea.

Fortunately, you won’t have a shortage of commercial clothing options that you can buy from the local mall or order from an online store. For example, there are plenty of affordable and stylish Guess shirts for women that you may choose from depending on your budget and your lady love’s style preferences. Aside from shirts, you can also give her denim jeans, blouses, jackets, and dresses.

Just be sure about the size of the clothing items you’ll buy, since you don’t want to give her something that she can’t wear anyway because it’s either too small or too large for her size.

Massage gun

From top-tier female athletes and A-list celebrities to hardworking housewives and girlfriends, getting a massage will always be a much-appreciated treat. However, since COVID-19 is still looming around the corner, getting a trip to the local masseuse may not be an encouraging idea after all. As such, get the next best thing to warm masseuse’s hands: a handy massage gun.

Massage guns operate on the principles of percussive and vibration therapy, which is simply the sending of bursts of vibrations to the muscles. These handy massage tools can help minimize inflammation and muscle tightness, as well as reduce tension and muscle soreness.

If your partner frequently complains about body aches, then she will surely appreciate it when you give her a massage gun out of the blue.

UV sanitizer

In light of the COVID-19 crisis, people began hunting for consumer products that would help sanitize the things they use frequently, such as smartphones, jewelry, and credit cards. Enter those UV-powered sanitizing products.

You should get her a UV sanitizer that she can use to quickly get rid of viruses that might have attached themselves to your partner’s earrings, necklace, and ring, as well as her phone or credit/debit cards.

There are plenty of these portable UV sanitizers being sold online, so you only need to do some quick search to find one that fits your budget and your partner’s taste.

Fitness tracker

The pandemic opened up the minds of millions of people to the importance of maintaining a healthy body to better resist viruses such as the novel coronavirus that eventually got named COVID-19. If your lady love is a bit of a fitness buff, then she would definitely appreciate you gifting her with a nice fitness tracker.

Most fitness trackers have great features such as heart rate monitor, burnt calories, sleep tracking, and breathing monitor. Other equally excellent features that you should look out for include smartphone integration, movement reminder, and workout/fitness coaching.


high heels

Diamonds may be a girl’s best friend, but they’re not particularly among the most practical gift options these days. Instead of giving your lady love a precious stone, choose to buy her a nice pair of shoes instead.

Your choice of shoes should match your partner’s personality and needs. If she’s a fashionable girl, then some high heels would be great. If she’s the sporty type, then a pair of running shoes or trainers would be excellent.

With these awesome gift suggestions, your task of finding the right gift for your lady love should be much easier.

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