A Pandemic Road Trip Guide: Staying Safe During Your Time on the Road

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As the days roll by and people are finding their stay at home more and more boring, they may decide to go on a trip. Some of these may be a friendly walk around the neighborhood but there are those who’d rather go someplace else. There are even people who might choose to take the open road.

There are many reasons to go on a trip during the pandemic. For legitimate reasons, you’ve got medical personnel who’d need to transport and recruit patients for rare disease research. It would be easy to give a reason behind transporting people if this is your reason. What if you’re just going to visit the next state because you’re bored in your gourd at home? That might be a little difficult to explain.

But if you absolutely must travel because a relative is sick or family needs your help, here’s a few guidelines to help you travel on the road while staying safe:

Know your Destination and Remember Where You Came From

In this state of the pandemic, when everything is undergoing a constant state of upheaval and change, travelers should first know how their destination is faring in containing the coronavirus. Doctors advise travelers to use the Johns Hopkins tracker, a coronavirus tracker that is being updated on the go.

Your decision to travel should be based on an important reason and not just on impulse. Before you travel, you should also get all the necessary preparations like testing and safety kits.

There are also areas in the US that have become hyper-epidemic centers. The tracker should update you on which condition the area you’re visiting in to help you plan your trip better.

Get Advance Testing

Anyone with the slightest inclination of traveling should have themselves tested, according to professionals. A lot of people travel without symptoms, only to find out that they’re carriers and have been spreading the virus around the country. If you’re traveling, only a ‘Negative’ result should be considered in the areas you’re visiting.

There are two types of tests you can take. There’s one that measures if you’ve caught the coronavirus already but didn’t know it, and there’s another which measures whether antibodies are already in your system.

Choose the Road Rather than Air Travel

The open road can be full of adventure, but under the new normal, staying safe while on the road is already an adventure. Policies and restrictions always go under a lot of changes and having a plan is important. Some even figure it’s better to ride in airplanes than go on the road.

There are also services like AAA TripTik or Roadtrippers to help you map out your route. There never has been any other time in history when travelers make a lot of last-minute bookings, according to the authorities manning the booths at airports.

Add Some Vital Things to your Road Kit

group of friends on road trip stopped on the side of the road

If you’re traveling, it goes without saying that you should always bring a safety kit with you to prepare for all possibilities. However, under the new normal, there are quite some additions to that safety kit. Aside from the obvious, some of these are disinfecting tools you should use every time you use the stops.

You should never forget masks or face shields when you travel. You should also have a hand sanitizer or two with you as you travel on the road. Another thing you should have in your kit are disinfecting wipes, ones which you can bring in the restrooms or wipe surfaces with when you stop for food.

Maintain Your Distance Even on the Road

The coronavirus has been through enough super-spreader events for you to know that it can easily infect other people. If you don’t want to become another tally in the statistics books, choose areas where you wouldn’t bump into other people easily. Museums, concerts, movie theatres, and other establishments are closed anyway.

It’s a good thing people are actively looking for areas where they can freely move about. Parks and other wide-open spaces are good areas for families to reconnect and get a bit of sunlight and fresh air. It’s also good for social distancing, especially right now when there’s a virus on the loose.

Look for areas where you can enjoy yourself with your family or friends when you’re traveling. If you can, stay at home with family, even when you arrive at your destination. The virus won’t chill so you shouldn’t, either. Always be extra vigilant and obedient in following the rules set forth by the authorities about coronavirus.

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