How to Improve Your Posture While Working from Home

woman using an ergonomic chair
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The pandemic has been raging on for over half a year now, and unless your company is deemed an essential business, you’re probably working from home. This means you’re sitting on either your couch, dining chair, or even the floor if you don’t have your own work desk. If your posture is bad at work, it’s likely worse at home. And it creates problems much more complicated than the usual shoulder ache.

Consistently having poor posture can increase your risks of developing these complications:

Digestion Problems

Being slouched over after a meal can lead to heartburn, which happens when the stomach’s acid makes its way up the esophagus. This is because the position puts pressure on the abdomen, causing the acid to flow in the wrong direction. It can also slow down the transit of food through one’s intestines, which can delay the time you need to do the number two.

Joint Problems

Having poor posture overworks the muscles in your neck and back, leaving them sore after a long day. The immune system also works overtime to heal these damaged muscles, causing inflammation that could lead to arthritis in its nearby joints.

Now that you know the repercussions of poor posture, it’s time to fix the way you sit while working. Here’s what you can do to improve your posture while working.

woman having neck and back pain

Take Stretch and Movement Breaks

Humans are built to move frequently throughout the day. Sitting for prolonged periods can create stress on your lower back. If you catch yourself slouching, take a break and go for a walk and do stretches. Simply reaching up and straightening your back as you stand up does wonders for your comfort.

Keep Your Posture Neutral

The spine has a default alignment that requires you to keep a straight posture from your head to your toes. Slouching disrupts this alignment, causing tension in your spine and nerves. Here are a few ways to keep your spine in its natural position while sitting. Keep your feet flat on the ground. You could also use a footrest if your seat is high. Remember to pull your shoulders back. Align your ears to your shoulders. Adjust your chair so you can lean flat on its rest, too. Adjust your screens’ stands so that they’re at eye level. This way, you don’t have to constantly look up or down all day.

If you’re still experiencing aches after keeping yourself in a neutral position, consult a chiropractor immediately.

Use Ergonomic Equipment

You should also invest in adjustable chairs and desks. After all, everyone’s height is different. The chair should have adjustable height, a recliner, and curves that support your back. Tweak the height until your hands align with your elbows on the desk. Your hips should also align with your knees. If you can afford a table with adjustable height, buy one. Use it to create a standing table if you’re tired of sitting.

Now that you’re working from home, you can create a workplace that’s truly your own. Why not make it comfortable? Use these posture tips to keep your spine and the rest of your body in a consistently healthy position.

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