Easy DIY Tips for Improving Your Home Security

A burglar using a crowbar to force open a home glass door
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As a homeowner, your first priority is protecting your family. One of the best ways to do that is by beefing up your home security. According to the National Crime Prevention Council, a home security system can reduce your chances of being burglarized by up to 300%. But this can be costly and isn’t the only way to deter criminals. There are several simple and easy DIY tips you can use to make your home a less attractive target.

Here are a few easy DIY tips for improving your home security:

1. Install motion-sensor lights.

As any robber will tell you, one of the most essential things when breaking into a home is having plenty of darkness to work in. Installing motion-sensor lights around your home can deter would-be burglars and give you some extra peace of mind. Plus, motion-sensor lights are relatively inexpensive and easy to install yourself. According to This Old House, it costs about $100 to purchase and install a light.

When choosing where to place your motion-sensor light, remember that criminals often try to avoid well-lit areas. Install the light high up on a wall or in a tree to make it more difficult for criminals to disable. You should also angle the light, so it shines across a wide area rather than just in one direction. Just make sure to read the instructions carefully before getting started.

2. Keep your windows and doors locked

This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s important to remember to keep all your doors and windows locked, even when you’re home. According to the National Crime Prevention Council, 34% of burglars walk through an unlocked door. Don’t make it easy for criminals to break into your home.

You also want to update the locks on your doors to make them more difficult to pick. Anyone can pick a simple deadbolt with a credit card, so opt for a high-security lock, such as an electric mortise door lock. These locks are more challenging to pick and can help deter criminals. They work by locking the door into a metal box mounted on the door frame, making it much more difficult to force open.

A cute pug nibbling on the fingers of its owner

3. Get a dog.

Dogs are not only man’s best friend but also excellent deterrents for criminals looking to break into your home. Burglars are far less likely to target a house with a dog since they know the dog will bark and alert the homeowners or neighbors to their presence. Even if you’re not a big fan of dogs, there’s no denying their usefulness in home security.

You don’t need a big, ferocious dog to deter burglars. Even a small dog that makes a lot of noise can be an effective deterrent. And if you’re not interested in getting a dog, you can always just put up a “Beware of Dog” sign. It might not be as effective as the real thing, but it could help deter some criminals.

4. Keep valuables out of sight.

If a burglar does manage to get into your home, you can make it harder for them to find and steal your most valuable possessions by keeping them out of sight. For example, don’t leave electronics like laptops or TVs in plain view from windows or doors. Instead, keep them tucked away in a closet or cabinet where they’ll be less likely to be seen by someone peeking into your home. If you have valuable jewelry, consider investing in a safe to keep it hidden and secure.

But you don’t just want to keep your valuables hidden from burglars. You also want to ensure they’re well-protected in case of a fire or other disaster. That’s why it’s crucial to have a home insurance policy that covers your valuables. That way, you can rest assured knowing that you’re protected during a break-in or other disaster.

5. Add security film to your windows.

Security film is a transparent adhesive film that you can apply to your windows, making them more resistant to shattering. This can be a great way to deter would-be burglars since they know that breaking a window will be more difficult and time-consuming. It can also buy you extra time to call the police or take other action if someone tries to break into your home.

Security film is available in various thicknesses, so you can choose the level of protection you need. The thicker the film, the more difficult it will be to break through. You can also find security film that is tinted or opaque, which can help improve your home’s privacy and security.

These are just a few of the many ways you can improve your home security without spending a lot of money on fancy gadgets or hiring a professional security company. Following these tips can give you some extra peace of mind and deter criminals from targeting your home.

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