Do You Want a More Masculine Room? Here’s How to Achieve It

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When it all boils down to it, the decor has no gender. People are free to embellish their rooms in any way they please. Men can opt for softer tones, and women can opt for edgy designs. Why not, right? That said, there are design choices that exude the traditional manly appeal. If you feel that you want to try something new, may it be in your bedroom, living room, or even your man cave, intentionally including masculine elements can add a flair of sophistication to your overall interior.

Don’t know where to start? Here’s a breakdown of the choices available to you in making your space a little more macho.

Go for Neutrals

Earthly neutrals exude traditional masculinity. It has something to do with the feeling of being closer to nature and the fact that men were expected to do outdoor work centuries ago. If you’re thinking of redoing your wall paint or wallpaper, go for shades of black, browns, and maybe even white. If you’re not keen on having a dark room, try installing a fake brick wall instead. It’s a convenient way to bring out that raw manly charm in any space, as bricks represent durability and strength. Another advantage to choosing this type of wall is that you can have a wider variety of choices in terms of color and style, and whatever neutral shade you choose can easily complement the rest of your decors.

Go for Geometric Shapes

bedroom interior

When buying furniture and ornaments, go for geometric shapes. Make these edgy features the dominant design in the room. What about some of the frills and soft edges you like? Feel free to incorporate them. In fact, when there are more geometric shapes and straight lines in your decor, the ones with softer edges will stand out better. Just because you’re going for a masculine appeal doesn’t mean you should rule out everything else traditionally female. It’s all about striking the perfect balance and emphasizing certain elements that speak to you the most.

Go for Solids

Opt for more solid colors. If you are going to use patterns in any furniture or ornament, use them sparingly and meaningfully. Herringbone, plaids, and stripes are the preferable pattern of masculine rooms. Use them to make a statement, perhaps by going for a central rag or an artwork in those designs. Otherwise, you’re better off playing it safe by choosing solid colors in items that take up the biggest space, such as bookshelves, beds, tables, and couches.

Go for Wood

Some materials emanate masculinity more than others. This is the case with wood, glass, concrete, and steel. You’ll notice that furniture and decor made from these materials are often clean-cut and minimalist. These things have a way of giving any space a feeling of opulence without being excessive. This is exactly what you’ll want when decorating your room. You can invest in a few choice pieces like glass tables, steel staircases, wooden bookshelves, and concrete vases, and your room will already feel expensive, stylish, and masculine all at once.

Go with Mixed Textures

If you’re expecting a recommendation to stick to one texture, then you’re wrong. No matter how feminine, masculine, or neutral you want it to feel, any room always looks best when they have mixed textures. Remember that texture is what adds depth to any space. Masculine rooms, in particular, benefit from the right combination of tweed, leather, flannel, and suede. To create a meaningful contrast, add a few velvets and silks here and there.

Go for Big Furniture


Rooms that feel masculine use furniture that is bigger in scale compared to feminine rooms. That said, don’t feel the need to fit so many big pieces in a limited space, making it feel cramped in the process. Choose functional items that you’ll want to dominate more than the rest, like oversized sofas and large oak desks. Above all, make sure that these are things that will support your regular activities. It’s a waste of living space to install furniture just for its aesthetic, after all.

Make It Yours

The most important thing you have to remember when embellishing your room with masculine elements is to stay true to yourself. Go as hardcore as you want or as minimal as you feel is necessary. Masculinity isn’t defined by a single picture, regardless of its traditional definition. Use these tips as they suit you, and be creative in your approach. At the end of the day, the person you have to please most is yourself.

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