Mold Corner: Check These Places for This Pathogen

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Do you like eating mushrooms? They go well on pizza and pasta, and they are probably the least-threatening fungi you will ever know. But if you explore every nook and cranny in your house, you will discover a pathogen that is feared by many, and that is mold. This grows in dark and moist places, and there are a lot of places where you can find it. It can be in your plumbing system or even the attic, but one thing that you have to know is that it can be dangerous to your health. They can be hiding in plain sight. So be extra careful and check these places for build-up.


Bathrooms are always wet, which makes them a prime candidate to become mold territory. You can see them grow between the gaps of the floor and wall tiles, shower heads, soap trays, and faucets. It is quite strange to think that a room that you clean yourself in can be a haven for these fungi. Be careful where you step on if you have open wounds on your feet.

You can get rid of the mold by scrubbing your walls and floor with a cleaning solution. Focus on the crevices as they tend to stick well there. Also, do not forget about your sink and toilet bowl. Make sure that you get into the places that are hard to reach, like the rear and underside of your bowl. You can bet that would be a place where mold can build up if you don’t touch it for a while.

Water Containers

If you are a fan of water bottles and tumblers, pay attention. You need to constantly wash them or else you will get mold build-up around gaskets and threads on the cover. When you see dark spots around those places, it is time for you to get scrubbing again. If you want to be sure about it, throw your stuff into the sterilizer for an extra layer of sanitation.

The fungi can contain bacteria that can cause you all sorts of illnesses if you ingest it. Water containers touch your lips often. You want to be sure that it is spotless and free of mold before putting them near your mouth again.

Old Books


Old books are sure to experience all sorts of temperature and environment changes even if they have been kept in a space for a long time. Paper can easily absorb moisture, which makes it a target for mold.

How do you know if a book has mold? It is quite easy. Just try to open one and see if their pages have become stuck together and you can see greenish stuff there. It is pretty easy to get your hands on them, so go straight to the washroom to clean up with lots of soap and water.

Outdoor Furniture

You might have a table and chair at the garden or an old couch at the patio. Since they are outdoors, it goes without saying that they are exposed to natural elements like humidity and rain. These would introduce moisture to any area, which is the perfect environment for the mold to live in. Keep the pieces of furniture as dry as possible. Clean and disinfect them often, ideally on a weekly basis, or whenever you will be using them. These will make them stay fresh-looking and not disgusting to touch.

There can be places where mold is hard to detect. If you know where to look, you can keep yourself safe from harm. Keep things clean and leave no stone unturned, and you will manage the population of these fungi like a boss.

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