Preparing Your Home for the Fall and Winter Seasons

man installing insulation
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Summer brings some of the hottest temperatures of the year. At home, you probably have you’re your fans and air conditioners on for most of the day and rarely ever use your home’s heating facilities. But that isn’t an excuse to forget about preparing your home for the coming cold months ahead.

Conditions are still ideal, and cleaning and repair businesses aren’t swamped with clients trying to prepare their homes for the cold season at the last minute. However, now may be an excellent time to take the initiative and make your home ready for the fall and winter seasons. Here’s what you can do.

Maintenance on Your Heating System

With an average national low temperature of 33 degrees Fahrenheit (excluding Hawaii and Alaska), you can bet it’s going to be cold. Without a properly working heating system, your home may not be able to keep you warm.

While we’re still months away from the cold season, it may be prudent to have a professional look at your heating system for maintenance. A professional can look at your room heater, water heater, vents, filters, and anything that may need to be replaced and repairs. After all, it’s much better to get your furnace repaired during the summer than having it break down and fixed when you need it the most.

Check Your Windows, Doors, and Insulation

The average electric bill gets higher during the fall and winter months because more people are home around-the-clock for the holidays, so lights and heat use will affect your bill. One way of protecting your finances is to check your windows, doors, and insulation before the fall months arrive.

The cracks in your windows and doors can help indoor air escape, making it difficult for your heating system to get your home to a specific temperature. And when your walls and ceilings aren’t insulated, the heat can penetrate through them and escape. In both instances, making your heating system work overtime can damage your system faster.

Clear Your Gutter

Man cleaning the gutter from autumn leaves

Professionals recommend cleaning your gutter twice a year, and we recommend you do this shortly after the fall season starts. When winter rolls around, you might be preparing your home for the holidays and the other home preparations that can’t be done in advance. By that time, you might be unable to clean your gutters properly. During this time, it may become a breeding ground for pests and vermin hiding from the cold.

So before you can wait for the fall months to arrive and before you can sit in the living room and watch Disney Princess movies in order with your family for the holidays, it’s best to start taking steps to prepare your home before the temperature drops.

Smart and practical homeowners will want to take steps to protect their home by making sure their home is ready to withstand the dropping temperatures. While winter is months away, it’s best to start your preparations months before fall kicks in to avoid the busy months ahead that might make you forget to prepare until the last minute.

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