Why Patients Receiving End-of-Life Care Are Encouraged to Travel

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If you are nursing a terminal illness, your loved ones may fret about every move you make. You may now have a caregiver assisting you 24/7. This is especially true if treating your symptoms meant nursing a medical gadget or two. You may very well be receiving hospice care at home to ensure your comfort during the duration of your last months. But if the opportunity presents itself, should you grab the chance to travel even though you are now receiving end-of-life care?

Reasons to Travel Even when You’re Under Hospice

Some hospice patients would want to travel to make the most out of their last few weeks or months. They want to be able to experience the items they haven’t crossed out in their bucket list. Others want to experience the things they used to enjoy one last time before they pass.

There are times when special events would come up. They would be willing to trade their remaining days to attend, even if it meant they could have a hard time flying or traveling for long distances. This can be the wedding of a close loved one, a burial of a family friend, or even the birth of a grandchild.

Major Considerations Before Traveling

You can have other reasons to travel while receiving end-of-life care. These are precious moments you and your family deserve to experience for the last time. But then, there are many factors you need to consider before you travel as a hospice patient.

Pre-Travel Coordination

Before you plan to travel, make sure you coordinate your plan with your hospice care provider. This way, they can discuss with you their hospice coverage. Note that providers have varying coverage, but most will only maintain up to 14 days while in your travel destination.

If you are traveling for more than two weeks, they might discharge you. Instead, they can arrange another hospice provider to look after your needs during your travel.

Your attending physicians should also give you the signal to travel. This is since most hospice patients require numerous medical documentation when traveling. This includes all of your medical conditions, your medications, and your advanced directives like your living will, Do Not Resuscitate order, and Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment.

woman traveling

Alternative Forms of Transportation

Commercial travel is not your only choice when trying to reach your travel destination as a hospice patient. For one, you can consider traveling using a private vehicle and eliminate the need for air travel. You can hire a vehicle that can best suit your needs and reduce the stress and risk for infection that comes with flying with other patients.

If flying is your only choice, then you can consider asking for support from charitable pilot organizations. These non-profits offer free flights to patients receiving end-of-life care and their caregivers. This way, you can enjoy a more comfortable flight minus the risks and additional fees.

There are also instances when your doctor would deem it impossible for you to travel safely. Your loved ones can choose to visit you instead.

Travel Insurance

Most of the time, travel insurers will only allow you to avail of travel insurance if you are stable but has pre-existing medical conditions. The good news is, there are now companies that also cover travel insurance to terminally-ill patients. For as long as you receive a fit to travel declaration from your physician, they can consider your application.

Consider looking for a travel insurance company that will accept your travel insurance application. This way, you can have peace of mind in case you experience a medical emergency, a medical inconvenience, a canceled trip, or even loss or damages to your belongings while traveling.

You can have numerous reasons to travel even as a terminally ill patient. It pays to keep all the major considerations in mind before you go. This way, you can make the most out of your last trip together with your loved ones.

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