What to Do When Renting an Old Apartment

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Getting an old apartment comes with its charms, from the classic aesthetics to the history it carries. However, you should consider a few things when you are about to move into an older place.

Check for bugs and pests

In London, pest control experts note that apartments tend to be go-to spots for rats, roaches, and insects because of their set-up. Most apartments only treat infestations when they are alerted to it. Upkeep for the whole building does not always include checking each apartment for pest issues that may be starting, especially if there is a tenant.

It would be best to ask the maintenance office if they do regular cleanings specifically for managing critters. If not, it would be wise to get some hired help to check out the place for you and see if there are any burgeoning risks in the existing furniture or installations that are in the unit.

Old apartments that are furnished may also be conducive for bed bugs and ant colonies creeping through cracks in the wall and settling in. Check which items you want to keep and what may need an overhaul in the process of deep cleaning. You may also stop an infestation from occurring if you check beforehand and take action.

Make sure the plumbing is good

Although the apartment building has centralized plumbing systems, each unit still has its own pipes, and maintenance could fall on you. Leaks, blockages in the drainage, and freezing pipes are issues you should keep an eye out for, especially since they often come with the wear and tear of age.

If you’re still checking out the place, test the faucets and flushes to get a quick preview of the state of things. If you’re moving in, make sure you clean out everything and correctly attend to the piping.

Ask if you can update some key fixtures

Sold sign in front of apartments

Because older apartments tend to be bigger and were built to last, it will be a sturdy base with a lot of character. However, certain things inevitably must change with time. Ask your landlord what changes you can make within the terms of your rental and update what you can to maintain ease of living within your older space. Check the utilities, appliances (if any), wirings and outlets, and even windows to see if everything is still in tip-top shape.

For equipment, hardware, and tech, it’s most likely that you will need to update it even with minor tweaks as modern needs have different requirements. As for fixtures like windows, make sure they haven’t developed cracks or have loose bits that could cause air to come out or water to leak in. Even the paint job in the apartment can use an update not just for aesthetic purposes but for safety reasons.

You don’t have to tear everything out and replace them entirely. Sometimes, simple repairs and modifications can do the job while still maintaining the atmosphere and character of your old apartment.

Moving into an older place can be cheaper and more colorful, so make sure you make the best of your new home by keeping it ready for many more years.