Heating Outdoor Spaces: 3 Things You Need to Know

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If you live in a cold place all year round, a quiet evening on the porch or patio can be a welcome treat, especially on warm nights. However, as the fall and winter months arrive and the temperatures begin to dip, your evenings out can become more uncomfortable without a heater. By simply adding an outdoor heater to your outdoor spaces, you can use your outdoor spaces regardless of the season.

Heaters can make your evenings out snugger and more comfortable, especially during the colder months of the year. Apart from the warmth, outdoor heaters also improve the ambiance and atmosphere of your outdoor spaces. Your Bogner Lita ski pants might be warm, but wouldn’t you rather wear something more comfortable?

If you want to get more use out of your outdoor spaces during the colder months of the year, here are a few things that you should keep in mind when searching for the right outdoor heater for your home. With so many heaters available on the market, each offering a different experience from the others, you want to make sure you get the right one for you.

1. For large spaces

This type of outdoor heater is the type you often see at bars and restaurants. Freestanding patio heaters are usually tall, sometimes taller than most people, and can reliably warm anyone standing or sitting in the area. A buyer has different options when it comes to the fuel used by a freestanding heater. Some freestanding heaters use propane or natural gas, while others are powered by electricity.

Their prices can vary greatly, with various factors such as the brand, fuel type, size, and features all influencing the final cost. Many freestanding outdoor heaters allow you to adjust the amount of heat given off. And while they can sometimes be difficult to assemble, they somewhat easy to use.

2. For small spaces

A freestanding outdoor heater takes up valuable floor space, which could be an issue if space is at a premium. If you want a heater that can provide warmth without taking up space, a mountable outdoor heater should do the trick. Mountable heaters can be either hung from the ceiling or mounted on a stable wall. Like the freestanding type, the prices for a mountable heater can vary greatly, but they tend to be more expensive.

A good high-end mountable outdoor heater can produce a lot of heat, making it ideal for warming midsize to large patios and balconies. A mountable outdoor heater is almost always an electric model, and the more powerful units often require a special outlet that draws more power than a standard one. If you’re thinking of getting a mountable electric heater, it might be a good idea to hire an electrician to be on the safe side.

Since mountable heaters rely on electricity for power, all you have to do to turn one on is flip a switch. This makes them one of the easiest to use and maintain, although installation is often more complicated and could require professional help.

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3. For natural heat

If you want the warmth, ambiance, and comfort, only an open flame can provide, then you should go for a fire pit. While a fire pit can certainly look beautiful, extra caution has to be exercised when using one. All types of outdoor heaters bring a risk of starting a fire, but the fire pit’s open flame poses the highest risk of all.

Despite the risk, fire pits are beloved by many because the experience of an open fire is more comfortable and desirable. You can’t do many things with electric heaters as well, such as making campfire food.

Just like the other heater types, fire pits are available in a wide range of price points and designs. A simple fire pit for a small outdoor space can cost a few hundred dollars, while a large high-end model can easily run into the low thousands. Since fire pits rely on wood for heat, you also need a constant supply of good firewood if you plan on using a lot.

A final word

Whether you go for an artificial heater or the warmth of a natural fire, it’s important to follow safety precautions to keep you and your family safe. Anything that produces heat is a potential fire hazard, so don’t leave your heater unattended and switch it off after use. It’s also smart to hire a professional to install and inspect the unit before use.

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