Emergency Response: The Things You Need to Do After a Storm

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People have many things to worry about right now, and solving the main problems is the top priority. However, some might forget about the minor issues. As time progresses, people deal with more challenges that they have no other choice but to prepare for the worst. Now that people know how to prepare for a disaster, what should they do after a storm?

What should people do to protect their property? Here are the things you should do when you inspect your yard after a storm:

Call professionals

The first thing to do when the storm is gone is to check if it is safe outside. Do not bring your children when you go outside. Choose wisely who in your household is up for the task. If the storm severely damages your walls, it is best to explore retaining wall repair options.

Turn the electricity off

During a storm, there will most likely be power outages for some time. To be safe, turn off the electrical power to your entire house.  Moreover, steer clear of exposed wiring because it can still be live. If the wires are submerged in flood, stay away from the water until you shut down the electrical power. This way, you can prevent electrical injuries.

Because of the destruction caused by the storm, you may need to have evaluation checks performed on your circuit board, cables, appliances, and gadgets to guarantee that all power systems are still functioning correctly.

Prepare and wear proper gear

Before going outside, make sure to prepare proper gear such as boots, gloves, a hard cap, a jacket, pants, a mask, safety goggles, and other equipment that will keep you safe during your storm damage inspection.

Clean up your yard with caution

Storms are predictable, thanks to technology. However, people won’t know the damage that a storm can cause to an area. When you are cleaning up your yard, be extra careful of debris like broken branches. Stay in the clear areas of your yard and avoid going under the trees.

Check and fix the drainage system

Floodwater can go through pipes and into the house, but purchasing a pressure relief valve can help stop this from happening. To improve home drainage, you can use roof gutters and a storage reservoir. These can help lessen the quantity of water entering your home.

The drainage system is the first thing to check if your yard is flooded. Look for a drainage system and remove any debris so that you won’t have to worry about further damage.  If there’s water dripping inside the house, check the gutter and clear any debris.

fallen tree

Inspect your yard’s vegetation

Trees, branches, and fences will be your first line of defense if the storm intensifies. Hence, checking on them will be a good idea. Stay away from trees because there might be broken branches that can fall any second. If your yard is composed mainly of trees, avoid going outside and call professionals to clear up the area.

Start picking small debris

Once the lawn is safe, you can start picking up small debris like rocks, twigs, or construction materials. Clearing up the area will also minimize stagnant water that will cause mold or insects to spread. Remember to wear gloves when you are cleaning up the area.

Prepare proper equipment for heavy debris

You can use heavy-duty equipment to make the large debris easier to handle. Tree branches, roofing material, and vegetative waste are the most common types of storm debris. When you are cleaning it up, always ask for assistance.

Pile up the debris wisely

To make things organized and useful in the future, arrange or group the debris that you collect. Categorizing them as vegetation, scrap material, and wind-blown garbage is one way of doing it. You can use vegetation debris as fertilizers for your future garden, and you can reuse the construction debris so that you can repair the damage to your lawn.

Ask for assistance if needed

Even if you know that your lawn is safe, be sure to call professionals to help you understand what you have missed and what to fix. Also, don’t forget to leave the challenging task to the professionals so that you won’t harm yourself and your family.

Storms are among the most devastating and costly natural calamities. Being ready for a storm and understanding how to respond after it passes are essential to safeguard your house and keep you and your family safe from harm during the rainy season.

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