Traveling in the Time of COVID-19: Attitudes that Matter

woman ready to travel
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The coronavirus strain discovered at the end of 2019 has caused many parts of society to pause and take a breather so it can slow down and not spread further. Among the most affected is the travel sector. Everyone can be a vector of the virus, so many countries have thought it would be best to clamp down or limit people going in and out of their borders.

There are many people out there who love to travel and have made that a big part of their lives. It is no secret that they have been affected by the pandemic, but they have to exercise the utmost patience since there are more important things than flying to other countries. Things are opening up now though, albeit with strict rules and conditions. But you can get through it all with the right set of attitudes.

Traveling Today

The world has been dealing with COVID-19 for several months now, but business cannot be put on hold forever. Some will be forced to open up, so they can keep their operations going but with safety measures fit for the new normal. Social distancing should be practiced, even when you are on board a bus or a plane. They may be enclosed and have limited space, but they should be large enough so you can have a good distance of about six feet between you and the next person.

If you have plans of working in the travel sector, do not worry. Institutes such as pilot schools are still active and offering courses to those who aspire to join the aviation industry. State bureaus like the Department of Motor Vehicles or the DMV are also still issuing licenses for those who want to make driving road vehicles professionally.

Be Compliant

Keep in mind transport companies are private entities, and they have the right to implement rules and regulations that cater to the best interests of the customers and also the business. These are unique times, so expect to be asked to comply by following rules that were not yet in place before the coronavirus broke out. Masks will be mandatory and inspecting your baggage may take longer. Just remember that these measures are all in place for the safety of everyone. They will be strict in implementing their rules and policies without exception, so it is best to follow so you would not waste everybody’s time.

Be Aware and Prepared

woman with luggage wearing a mask in the airport

Before you make travel plans, spend your time researching your potential destinations. Each country or state may have different procedures for accepting incoming visitors. Some may not have their borders yet to foreigners, while others may have processes and requirements that could take a long time for you to complete. It would be okay if you are willing to go through all the hoops. But if you want something more convenient, you may have to limit your choice of places.

Once you have the information that you need, that would be the time to prepare for your trip. Start working on getting all the necessary documents, like permits and medical clearances. Stock up on protective gear and medicines. Doing all of these will ensure that you have a hassle-free travel experience.

Be Considerate and Understanding

Some people will need time to adjust to all the changes happening around society. You may encounter them in your travels. It has been a trying time for everyone, so you should understand where they are coming from. Many have been forced to stay at home for months now, and they are eager to go back to how things were before COVID-19. They are expected to be patient, and it is best to let them vent out until they calm back down.

On the other hand, if you find that those who are implementing the rules are a bit pushy, do not hesitate to ask questions. Let them know if you have any concerns with what they are doing, and give them the chance to explain. Keep everything civil and hopefully, things will not escalate. If you have come to a stalemate, then you might have to let things go and not proceed with the trip for the sake of the other passengers. If you truly think that there are lapses, report them to the proper channel on your way out.

The bigger picture might get clearer once vaccines are successfully released. You can look forward to that day when things will get safer. The new normal might be here for good, but you should already be used to it by now. After all, wearing extra protection like masks, face shields, and goggles is a minor inconvenience compared to the peace of mind that it brings.

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