Tips for Becoming a Better Handyman This 2021

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Being a handyman presents so many benefits. For one, it eliminates the need to hire someone to do basic repairs around the house. For another, it’s a great way to keep your mind off things. There’s nothing like using some power tools to blow off some steam and to forget about your responsibilities, even for just a few hours. If being a handyman is on your bucket list, now is a good time to start. Here are some tips to get you started.

Observe professionals

If you’re having some work done around the house, like someone fixing your patio in preparation for a roll-on lawn installation or maintenance, watch the professionals. Watch how they handle tools, and don’t hesitate to ask questions. If you’re not considering going to an academy or taking a course, watching how professionals do it is the next best thing. You can also watch some tutorials on YouTube to see how certain tasks are handled, how tools are used, and the proper ways to fix or build things without losing any of your fingers.


Another way to become a good handyman is by volunteering. Non-profit organizations like Habitat for Humanity are always looking for extra sets of hands that can help them build homes for homeless and underserved families. Lending your time to these worthwhile causes can help you get exposed to the tricks of the trade, and the best part is that it’s free. You’re basically gaining skills and experience while helping those who need it the most.

If there are no programs like Habitat for Humanity in your area, consider volunteering for a small business owner or local contractor who could use the help. They will be getting free labor in exchange for training you and giving you experience. While there might be some liability issues for the business owner, they might choose less risky or dangerous tasks for you to do around the sites.

Find a mentor

Closely related to volunteering is finding a handyman you admire and trust and ask them to mentor you. If you know someone who has years of experience in construction, or just someone who is an incredible handyman, ask them to share their knowledge and skills with you.

And even if you don’t know anyone personally, consider finding someone in the industry who’s willing to provide information. You’ll be surprised at how many people are willing to help others with their craft. The internet may be a valuable resource, but nothing will replace learning from a person you can communicate within the real world.

handyman and mentee

Practice through DIY projects

The best way to gain handyman experience is by simply doing it. It will help boost your confidence, give you insight on the best ways to fix or improve things around the house, and will give you the technical and practical know-how you need to improve your skills. If your home is on the older side, you can be sure that there is no shortage of things that need fixing or maintenance around the house. Here are some examples of maintenance tasks you can try:

  • Painting the walls
  • Installing interior doors
  • Setting up furniture
  • Installing windows
  • Laying tiles
  • Installing trims and moldings
  • Building a pathway with pavers
  • Building shelves

And there are many others. The key is always to do the necessary research before you touch any tools. YouTube is an incredible resource for whatever activity you’re planning to do. Doing the necessary research beforehand will show you that most home projects are not all that complicated and that with enough time, confidence, safety measures, and elbow grease, there’s no reason why you can’t do many of these DIY projects.

Leave room for mistakes

You need to leave perfectionism at the door if you’re a handyman in training. If you want your skills to improve, you’ll need to accept that you will make mistakes along the way, and those mistakes will help you learn and grow. At the same time, experiencing resistance or difficulty will also greatly improve your problem-solving skills, which is key to being an effective handyman. This skill will help you fix just about any broken thing around the house, and all you will need is to do the necessary research and maybe invest in some tools or materials.

Being a handyman is a valuable life skill that can help you save a lot of money in the long run. Invest in yourself by leveling up your handyman skills.

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