4 of the Most Important Jobs in the Construction Industry

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At a young age, kids are exposed to plenty of shows that revolve around the idea of construction and repairs. There’s Bob the Builder, who is a contractor that leads renovations and repairs for those in need. There’s also Handy Manny, who owns a repair shop and works with talking tools that can operate by themselves.

Such shows introduce the idea of constructing buildings and repairing items around the house to children even before they start school. Additionally, building blocks like Legos allow kids to create and design their own structures without the limitations of real-world problems.

Most of the kids who grew up surrounded by these ideas often go on to become esteemed architects, engineers, and contractors. Meanwhile, those who were unable to get a degree related to the field enter the industry as workers in construction sites.

In the construction industry, these professions are all important, albeit in varying degrees. Without one or the other, structures won’t be built successfully.

General Contractor

home improvement

When people want to have a house or commercial space built, they often turn to contractors who can handle the project from start to finish. This can include sourcing the materials and renting the equipment to be used in the building. Contractors also enlist laborers who can actualize the project.

A licensed contractor is in charge of the overall coordination of the project — from the vendors to the contractor, and from the contractor to the client. Professionals in this career also deal with a ton of paperwork because they handle project-specific documents, agreements, blueprints, and permits.

They work with the project architect and engineer to actualize the plans while managing a team of subcontractors or skilled laborers. Contractors are also in charge of paying wages to laborers and reporting the expenses to the client.

The process of obtaining a contractor license begins by signing up for a pre-licensure course and taking an exam. This course is mandatory because it’s where future contractors learn about the accounting processes, business practices, and general management skills required to operate a business.


One of the very first steps of building a house or commercial establishment is to draft plans for its design. This is when architects enter the picture. Their main job is to design the aesthetic and functional aspects of the structure through blueprints. Architects work hand-in-hand with civil engineers, who will then transfer the reigns to their client’s chosen contractor.

But the job of architects isn’t limited to the project planning phase, as they can also contribute their skills and knowledge throughout the project. For instance, they can help improve energy efficiency in the house by maximizing natural lighting while reducing the need for additional heating or cooling systems.

The title of “architect” is reserved only for those who have earned their degree, gained enough work experience, and passed the seven-part licensing exams to obtain their license. It’s also important to note that architecture licenses may vary among states, which means that an architect is not licensed to work everywhere unless they obtain the necessary paperwork.

Civil Engineer

No structural plans can be finalized without the go signal of civil engineers who handle the technical aspects of the construction. They work hand-in-hand with architects to create an aesthetically pleasing, functional, and safe space for their clients.

Civil engineers can make sure that the foundations of the building can support the loads and forces that it would be subjected to throughout its lifespan. In essence, these engineers oversee the accuracy as well as the quality of the construction project. These professionals are innate problem-solvers who thrive in highly competitive environments.

To become a licensed civil engineer, one will have to earn a degree, complete an internship to gain valuable experience, choose a specialty, and pass the relevant exams to get certified for public service. That’s why aside from building houses and commercial establishments, they can also work in the government sector to help build public infrastructure, such as highways, bridges, and dams.

Construction Laborers

Out of all the professions on this list, construction laborers can be considered as the backbone. They are the ones who are in charge of operating and maintaining all pieces of equipment on the site. Construction laborers aren’t limited to one task but can perform a variety of easy and potentially hazardous tasks.

Construction laborers are often instructed by the general contractor when it comes to building the actual foundations of the structure. Apart from operating equipment at the beginning of the project, laborers are also in charge of adding the finishing touches on surfaces like walls, ceilings, and floors.

This profession doesn’t come with a fancy degree or license, but the presence of construction laborers on the site is just as important because they build the physical manifestations of blueprints. Without their valuable contribution to a project, the blueprints will remain as plans on paper.

The construction industry will never die, not just because it’s impossible to cover the entire span of the earth with buildings, but because structures can be torn down and rebuilt repeatedly. If you’re enthused by the idea of gaining in-depth knowledge about structures or buildings and how they can withstand the test of time, then a career in construction can be highly beneficial to you.